Sew Wonderful
3 for 3 ATCs
Skill Level: #1 Sprouting
Sign up: In time to meet the Due Date
Due Date: Cards IN HAND August 11th
Hosted by Debra Claxton
Please make 3 ATC’s that have something to do with sewing, such as images of sewing machines, dress forms, old pattern pieces, tape measures, small flat buttons, etc… You may do actual stitching on your card, (but it is not required). Use any of your favorite mixed media techniques, and have fun!
Here are some inspirational samples:
Details: Please include a return address label (I will supply envelopes).
* $1 return for flat cards
* $2 if using thick elements.
* International players may send ephemera, an international stamp, Euros, or use PayPal. Please allow ample mailing time!
Skill Level: 1) SPROUTING - Geared toward the artist who has recently begun their journey into mixed media, these swaps are open to all group members, regardless of experience. Participation is the key - caring and sharing in the spirit of friendship and fun. Every artist needs to understand that contributors to these projects can be of any level of artistic experience.